Tuesday, 26 November 2019

What are the skills required to do Ethical Hacking?

Ethical Hacking:
Ethical Hacking is the best way to acquire by the ethical hacker
to discover vulnerabilities in system information.An ethical hacker
attempts to bypass system security and search for any weak points
that could be exploited by malicious hackers.

Some of the skills needed  for ethical hacking:

Programming Knowledge:
As an ethical hacker, you should have proper knowledge
of various programming languages. With the programming
skills that can be security threats, you will be able to explore
the developers ' mistakes. Learn web-based JavaScript, PHP, and
HTML. Some important programming languages for ethical hackers
are SQL, Python, Perl, C and C++.

As an Ethical hacker, the communication of messages between
several people will be one of your essential fields of concern.
If you are selected, you should assure that various people in a
company can communicate with each other without a message
leaking out to the wrong personalities. This is precisely the
purpose of cryptography. It includes converting the regular text
into non-readable mode, and vice versa. This same method ethical
hackers are conveying the message from one to another person.

Most of the web servers are running on the Linux OS.
As an ethical hacker, one of your most frequent tasks
is to gain access to the server. You should have in- depth
knowledge of this operating system. Take your time to gain
knowledge and skills on Linux-based distributions. These
include Ubuntu, and Fedora and Redhat.

Database Management System is used to maintain
a large collection of multiple types of data and protocols
handled to create and manage databases. As an ethical hacker,
you need to get the advantage of the vulnerabilities and safety
threats of several databases.DBMS skills, you will be ready to
perform all the basic operations in the database. The knowledge
and skills of DBMS will help you investigate the integrity
and consistency of your data.

Networking Knowledge: 
Most of the security threats arise from networks.
This makes computer networking an essential skill
that should be learned by any potential ethical hacker.
You should have a deep knowledge of how computers
in the network are interconnected.

Social Engineering Skills: 
Social Engineering is a hacker technique
used to manage end-users and get data
about a business or computer system. To protect
their system, IT security experts need to understand
who's targeted social engineering, how it attacks
and orchestrates social engineering.

Scope of Ethical Hacking:
The demand for ethical hackers is huge in the IT sector.
People can start their careers in a hacking field with the
FITA has highly rated for the Hacking course and we
offer a 100%placement support after completion of course.